The purpose of any kind of business is to bring in buying customers and that can only happen through marketing. If you are struggling to attract people to sign up to your online classes, something is definitely wrong or missing in your marketing techniques and you better find out what is it fast.
Here's how you can breakthrough with selling classes online:
1. If you are selling online classes I would assume that you already have a website up and running otherwise, you better create one now and you better make it attractive. Keep in mind that your website is where you will first "meet" your potential clients so it is a must that you leave a great impression. Aside from making it content-rich and highly informative, you also need to make sure that it is fast to download and easy to skim through. Your visitors should be able to find the information they need with one or two clicks on their mouse and they must be able to get back to your home page without hassles. The idea here is to give these people a great time when they give you a visit so they will stay longer and increase your chances of getting them to know who you are really are and the kind of products that you offer.
2. Plan ahead. Most online classes are offered by well-intended people but not all of them have a solid idea on how they can properly market their offerings. As a result, their sales and revenue suffer. If you want to boost your sales and revenue, you've got to know ahead of time your target market, your market segment, marketing mix, pricing tactics, and promotional activities as these will have a great impact when influencing the buying decision of your target market.
3. Get to know your customers. Personally, I think that this is the most important element in making your marketing strategies more powerful and more effective. If you want people to buy from you, you've got to commit in giving them what they want. Your online classes should reflect their needs and demands. Think of your customers' terms when promoting your classes online to easily capture their attention. Keep in mind that your success in this field will largely depend on your ability to satisfy these people.