Sure you know the salmon or at least heard about the salmon. For those of you who do not know about salmon, I will try to describe to you briefly about the life cycle, and for those of you who already know and have any additional information about the salmon, with a happy heart, I will accept it and you can add comments on columns in this article, agree?
I started out OK, salmon fish is fish that comes from the North America region. Salmon life cycle has a long and dangerous. The young fish hatch and breed in the river water is cool, clear and fresh. After growing larger, flock or large salmon is also called Shoal, moving toward the downstream direction to the sea. When the salmon are salt water, skin becomes like a sparkler silk.
Well, some years later, adult salmon return to the river where they first hatch, so that female fish can lay eggs. Exactly how salmon can find the way back is still a mystery. Fish that migrate this must swim against the flow of water. They jump high out of the water, the water flow through a strong and climbing waterfalls. A big salmon that is able to jump up to 3 meters in the business for the flow of water above the swift river and waterfalls. Many salmon die in the journey. Fish that successfully reached the upstream is very weak, and few are able to return to sea after laying. And so forth.
What lessons can we take from the salmon life cycle this? Salmon after sea wander far to be able to return to their habitat to the headwaters bother even with swimming against the flow of rivers and water falls, even though the risk is death. This provides lessons for us, man, that after us over the years wrestle with the transitory life of this world to find the treasure and joy, then selayaknyalah we realize we will return, that is to Dzat the Most Perfect, the Creator of Hosts. Although, we have to sacrifice and leave all that we have to go back to Him. (yw)