Probably one of the most frustrating things you can run into as an affiliate marketer is a great product with a lousy sales page. What do you do? You know you could sell the product well if only the sales page was better. Well, there are a few things that you CAN do. This article is going to offer some suggestions for making the most out of these less than ideal situations.
Probably the easiest thing to do, and this works great for me, is to write a review of the product and in the review, mention that the sales page looks like garbage. Even tear it to shreds if you want. But make it crystal clear that the product itself is top notch. That kind of honesty will usually go a long way in converting a prospect who might not normally buy to a paying customer. It isn't the ideal solution, as they still have to get through that horrible sales page, but if you warn them in advance, you've got a good shot at making the sale.
Another thing you can do is ask the product creator if they'll allow you to make your own sales page for the product. Be honest and up front with them. Tell them that you feel the sales page is lacking and that you could make more sales if you had a better one to send people to. All the creator has to do is send you the pay link that you can then enter into the page itself. The reason I say to ask permission and not just make your own sales page is because the creator may not want another sales page out there representing their matter how much "better" it might be.
There is no reason to let a poor sales page get in the way of you making sales. If you feel you can improve on the one that's out there, do it. Maybe you can even give the product creator some suggestions on how to improve his sales page, if you feel you have the answers. If the changes bring them more sales, I'm sure they'll thank you for it.